For Investors.

Investors in divergent Companies

As an existing or prospective investor of a divergent company, you should refer to their own website for Investor Relations information where applicable.

Not all divergent companies take external investment.

This page provides an overview of divergent's investment strategy and aggregated information.

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Our Investments

divergent manages the portfolio of majority owned divergent Companies. Aside from that we also manage licensees whilst advising on new investments in key sectors where we either know our team is able to add value, or that benefit the planet as a whole. Where possible, we try to prefer investments in otherwise under-represented founders.

These sectors include:

We're passionate about technology companies that push the envelope on what's possible whilst delivering usable and scalable solutions to customers.

Pet Services
Our dogs are part of our team, and we simply love companies that provide excellent care to improve their lives.

Renewable Energy / Sustainability Companies
We care about the planet and love companies that are working hard to reduce our negative impact upon it.